Protests show region that's not ready for a global age.

Protests over a film depicting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad has sparked murderous protests in over eleven countries thus far including Libya, Tunisia and Egypt.

tbg. reported that Afghanistan banned YouTube earlier this week as the film done its rounds around the globe as do most things due to this age we live in.

We live in a world where mass information can literally be pulled out of thin air. Before this was possible the Western establishments had come to understand that everyone has their beliefs and ideals and in order to progress we must all accept this and live in order and harmony. Religious practice was also in decline.

Some may laugh at a 'harmonious West' but it's about more than crime statistics or whether we get along as friends. It's our statute that dictates people should be free to express themselves, no matter how stupid they sound or look. The arrival of the Internet excelled this massively.

Unfortunately the religious & homophobic zealot nature of the protests we see might not make the region a suitable candidate to interact with Western culture on the platforms available in todays world.

Of course nothing can be done about this, unless such nations ban all Western online content in an ethnic internet cleansing agenda which is not beyond the realms of possibility. Most leaders in Muslim countries rule with iron fists to prevent such unrest for all sorts of political, religious and cultural sensitivities. However, in tbg.'s opinion this would of course still be a gross exercise of power and a detriment to potential progress among the level-headed, intelligent population in the region that need to be heard.

After all, this is all about a prophet and God. How many more people are going to die in the name of religion? Our governments shouldn't be condemning the film, they should be pointing out the superbly ridiculous situation that has spiraled out of control due to religious zealots.

A zealot film-maker and zealot protesters.